Monday, October 1, 2012

A first look at a new book

Writers spend a lot of time awash with loose papers, open books, scraps of paper with scribbles, and the zomie-like stare of a person who spends too much time looking at a computer. The long and sometimes late hours all come together when a box containing your new book arrives at your doorstep and you get your first look at the final product. I had to a chance to do that just the weekend past under the most unusual circumstances. I was presenting at Ted Alexander's Chambersburg, Pa., Civil War Seminar when my first box of books arrived. With the biggest grin ever, bookseller and author Jim Mclean of Butternut and Blue opened the box and then motioned me forward to take out the first copy of The Iron Brigade in Civil War and Memory: The Black Hats from Bull Run to Appomattox and Thereafter. Now that was moment I will remember and treasure. I held up the book as the attendees applauded and laughed with me. It looked splendid and suddenly all the long hours were worth it. Thanks, Jim, and those in attendance.


  1. Lance,
    Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication to keeping the spirit alive for the soldiers and families of The Iron Brigade! Can't wait to see your new book!

  2. Lucas,

    It must have been a fine moment indeed. Thanks for all your hard work and good cheer.

    Mickey, of Company K.
